Wednesday, February 1, 2017

HELLO, 2107!

THIS IS MALACHI WITH HIS ELDEST BROTHER JORDAN.  His expression speaks volumes, especially if you know Malachi well.  He has never spent twenty-four hours with his brother.  I was never declared unfit; no TPR exists--not a real one, anyway.  I might not live to see it, but GOD HAS GOT THE RECORD.  Justice will come--it always does.

My boys have grown to men.  Both of them top six feet tall.  William is getting a mustache; Malachi's got a full-fledged beard and a broken heart to get over.  College is going well for him--though he has hit a few frosh bumps in the road.  He has lived and learned--the hard way.  I wasn't there to mop up behind him, and he survived.
Family is still fam.  My mom passed away, and my sister died so long ago, but these two, Bryant and Kari, are still my brother and sister.  They proved it after a thirty year break, too.
So this is me today.  I have made a change.  FOR ME.  There is more to come.